- Advent Light
- A Blessing for Healing
- A Blessing of Awe
- A Prayer to be Anchored in Hope
- A Rushing Wind
- Blessing of the One Who Draws Near Death
- Celebrating the Ancestors
- Commitment
- A Graced Heart in Lent
- A Heart Prayer
- Hold My Hand
- The Lamp of Love
- A Lenten Litany
- A Lenten Prayer
- The Lost Lamb
- Meditation for a Person in Hospice Care
- Morning Prayer
- The Morning Will Come
- A New Year’s Prayer
- A Prayer for Guidance
- A Prayer for Pentecost
- Prayer of an Older Person
- Prayer of One Who Feels Lost
- Prayer to Be Free From Tizzies
- Six Gestures of Morning Praise
- A Ritual of Gratitude
- Springtime Prayer
- The Star in My Heart
- Strength of the Ancestors
- Strengthening Darkness
- A Winter Prayer: Strengthening Darkness
- Wisdom Prayer
- Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow