In the passing of the seasons, phases of the moon, rising and setting
of the sun, and the stars glowing in the universe,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the twisting, turning, and tumbling of everyday comings and goings,
in the joys and sorrows that visit me,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the voices of people who have become central in my heart,
who tame the rough edges of my hidden self,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the faces of strangers and passersby, in each human
whose spirit joins invisibly with my own,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the lonely, distraught, and disdained persons longing to be
respected and treated compassionately,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the unity that resides among everything that exists upon
and within this beloved planet we call “our Earth,”
may my love deepen and expand.
In the moments when the truth of my inherent goodness reveals itself
and sends me forth to be kind to others,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the silent prayer of my heart when I pause to be in deliberate relationship with you—the Holy One who guides my life,
may my love deepen and expand.
In graced situations when the truth of my unfinishedness
and the lack of being all I could be comes to greet me,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the motivation found inside the journey of Jesus, his compassionate life,
and the generous way he responded to others,
may my love deepen and expand.
In the heartbeat of hope coming from stories of the Risen Christ,
a steady Light-filled presence living on within me,
may my love deepen and expand.
In this moment, this day, this place, this time, this body that is mine,
when I repeatedly open my mind and heart to you,
may my love deepen and expand.
Guide of my life, may I be as present to you as you are to me. In giving myself to the process of spiritual growth, I trust you will show the way to live as my truest self. In all I am and all I do, my heart rests in your abiding love.
© Joyce Rupp

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