Companion of Hurting Hearts,

When my peace of mind and gentleness of heart slip away,
hold my hand.

When I lose sight of my worthiness and inherent goodness,
hold my hand.

When unrealistic expectations crowd out joy and satisfaction,
hold my hand.

When I forget to breathe in and listen to my inner being,
hold my hand.

When fear of vulnerability keeps me from reaching out,
hold my hand.

When I stumble and fall on the path of doing too much,
hold my hand.

When most everything I have believed turns to ashes,
hold my hand.

When the distress of others overwhelms my compassion,
hold my hand.

When earth’s beauty fails to provide comfort for me,
hold my hand.

When the path of life looks fruitless and deserted,
hold my hand.

When even Your presence has fled my awareness,
hold my hand.

Tenderhearted One, remind me often that you walk with me, that I am never alone when I limp along in the hazy grayness of life. Keep teaching me how necessary it is to care well for myself, to trust that the valley of darkness I walk through is a part of the journey of spiritual transformation. I place my hand in yours once again and move forward with hope in your loving presence. Amen.

© Joyce Rupp

This prayer can be found in Return to the Root.


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(Prayer from Return to the Root)

Return to the Root