One of the central spiritual practices in my religious community, the Servants of Mary (Servite) focuses on “the seven sorrows of Mary.” These events in the life of the mother of Jesus tell us not only how this woman met with constant love and resilience what was difficult, turbulent, and heart-breaking. They also tell us how that this faith-filled woman’s experience reflects ours metaphorically and oftentimes in reality. I wrote about these events in seven essays—found in Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow—each of these is followed by a direct address to Mary. Six prayers follow based on that particular sorrow. If you scroll down you will find the seven addresses to Mary. It is my intention and hope that by reflecting on what Mary’s experienced you will find inspiration and trust in your own resilience in these torn and broken times.
Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow, Joyce Rupp
The First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon
”The Foretelling of Sorrow”
Mary, you have been there before me.
You have been dismayed, and shocked by terrible, unwanted news.
You have known fear, sadness, and worry about the future.
You have had to quiet the heart-aching distress within yourself.
You did not give up hope.
You did not drown in a pool of self-pity.
You did not let disappointment and anger
destroy your ability to love.
You placed your trust in the Holy One.
Woman of Compassion, Mother of Sorrows,
I draw inspiration from your journey.
I, too, can move through the pain of my present situation.
Your faith and courage lead me to my own.
The Second Sorrow: The Flight into Egypt
“Fleeing From Destruction”
Mary, you have been there before me.
You have had to leave what was harmful
for you and your loved one.
You have known how difficult it is to move away.
You have experienced the consequences.
You trusted the guidance of God through Joseph.
You listened to the deepest part of yourself.
You bravely walked into unknown territory.
You willingly gave up a life you knew
so that your child would be safe.
You did not let anxiety and fear keep you
from doing what you had to do.
The Third Sorrow: The Loss of Child Jesus in the Temple
“Searching for Our Treasures”
Mary, you have been there before me.
You were faced with things you did not understand.
You turned to God in your distress
and pondered your experience in your heart.
I have also encountered the realm of mystery.
I, too, do not understand.
I will also turn and ponder this in my heart.
Mary, you searched for your beloved child.
You experienced the distress and longing,
the agony of not knowing where he was
I, too, search and wonder where my treasure is.
I am also longing to find my pearl of great price.
The Fourth Sorrow: Mary Meets Jesus Carrying His Cross
“Meeting Our Pain”
Mary, you have been there before me.
Your heart opened wide to embrace Jesus
when you met your son on his way to death.
You felt the depth of his suffering.
You entered his wounded path of pain.
I, too, need courage and spiritual stamina
to be with the pain of my own journey.
Teach me how to be with my suffering.
I want to meet myself as lovingly
as you met your wounded and pain-filled son.
The Fifth Sorrow: Mary Stands Beneath the Cross of Jesus
“Standing Beneath the Cross”
Mary, you have been there before me,
weary and worn out from the long vigil,
saddened by the pain of your loved one,
heartbroken over what you could not change.
Your valiant stance beneath the cross
tells me of your unceasing love.
Long years of unfailing faith upheld you.
Kind friends by your side sustained you.
I, too, am standing with a loved one
who hangs upon the cross of suffering.
I, too, am powerless to help.
Teach me how to stand beneath this cross.
The Sixth Sorrow: Mary Receives the Dead Body of Jesus
“Embracing Our Loss”
Mary, you have been there before me,
You opened your arms, your lap,
to receive the body of your son.
His scourged and crucified flesh told you
of the sufferings he had endured.
You held him as a beloved, wounded child,
with all the pain a mother’s heart could have.
I, too, have known loss in my life
Teach me how to embrace this suffering.
Remind me of your generous lap
and the broad strength of your shoulders.
As I receive what is wounded
may I hold it as lovingly
as you held your child Jesus.
The Seventh Sorrow: Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb
“Laying Our Sorrows to Rest”
Mary, you have been there before me,
You have stood at the tomb and said your goodbye.
I, too, am facing an ending in my life.
Like you, I need to turn away and move on,
believing that the Holy One will console me.
You know how grief engulfs the heart
and tries to strangle the joy it contains.
You have felt the drain of great loss
and the empty hold that it creates inside.
Teach me how to have confidence
when I question what the future holds.
I, too, want to be strengthened by my faith
as I let go and move on with my life.

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for your day.
(Prayers based on essays found in Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow)