Source of My Inmost Confidence,
this Advent I desire to anchor my heart
in courage, confidence, and positivity,
all gifts generated through your grace.
When the days spill over with way too much
to absorb, remind me to frequently pause
to notice where kindness touches my life,
and for opportunities to extend that kindness.
When strong emotions drift into my peace
and attempt to defeat what generates joy,
turn my attention toward the kinship I have
with millions of people who’ve made it through
what threatened to destroy their spirit of hope.
If there appears little I can do to alleviate injustice
and the horrific crimes committed against humanity,
with your assistance I’ll continue to do what I can
to bring about good, no matter how minor it may seem.
Resiliency of My Spirit, you are abiding within me,
strengthening my waning hope, enkindling my being
with your radiant light and unwavering love.
This Advent I reach out again for the gift of hope.
May this precious virtue be re-anchored in my heart.

Find the perfect prayer
for your day.
(Prayer from Constant Hope: Reflections and Meditations to Strengthen the Spirit)