2025 Newsletters

2025 Newsletters2025-01-10T00:36:57+00:00

A Time for Skin-Shedding

This month as we enter the Lenten season, I am sharing an excerpt from my book, Dear Heart, Come Home. I wrote this book at a time of much spiritual growth. I hope the following excerpts will contain hope and [...]

March 1, 2025|

Inner Harmony

I’m currently rereading Thomas Merton: When the Trees Say Nothing.  In my thirties, Merton’s writings provided a spiritual reservoir of insight and guidance. I learned from this monk of Gethsemane how nothing of our lives can be left out when it [...]

February 1, 2025|

Stay Close to the Source of Strength

A few days ago I was mumbling to myself about not being eager to enter 2025. Then I read an editorial in the NCR by John Grosso whose words lent credence to my apprehension. Grosso describes what he perceives in regard [...]

January 1, 2025|
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