To raise the sacred pipe of my being
to Creator and Creation each morning
is to bring myself into the full realization
of my size and place. I belong. I am part of
sacred energy…bringing everything into harmony.
~ Richard Wagamese
Maker of the Morning,
as I awaken to this day’s blessedness,
I bring my gratitude for a fresh start,
trusting in the possibility of peace
amid whatever ups and downs occur.
This morning I prepare my aging self
to be alert and receptive to your love,
even if weariness or sadness linger
and the aches of my body do not depart.
I cannot touch this morning’s new light
but I know it’s reality by what I perceive.
So, too, the vessel of my inner goodness
is intangible, but reveals its true identity
by how I approach and choose to live.
Come, Maker of the Morning,
I desire to be a transparent chalice of love.
Awaken and raise up my sleepy self
so I embrace your love more completely.
Assure me once again of my true worth,
that my close union with you is the key
to how I go about sustaining lasting peace.

Find the perfect prayer
for your day.
(Prayer from Vessels of Love: Prayers and Poems for the Later Years)