(This Christian meditation can be led by someone who sits next to the person who is in hospice care. Be sure to go slowly and have time to pause.)
As you close your eyes, allow yourself to breathe easily; relax as much as possible.
Allow a calmness to flow through your body; the calmness enters your mind and heart.
Remember that you are not alone.
The Holy One is with you—a loving, caring, compassionate presence.
This love beholds you as a mother looks upon a young child in her arms.
You are being cradled, comforted, and cared for in this way.
You are embraced and held in this gentle, tender, divine care….
And now, Jesus draws near to you; you see him coming toward you;
he arrives to be with you and takes a place in front of you.
You look into his eyes and recognize how much he cherishes you;
his gaze on you is one of total acceptance and kindness.
You know in this moment that you have always been loved by him
and always will be; you are completely accepted and welcomed.
Jesus holds out his hands and opens them wide toward you;
he invites you to reach out and place your hands in his.
As you reach out and place your hands into his hands
a warm light comes into you through his warm hands.
This light moves through you like a gentle ray of moonlight;
The light encircles you;
then it flows through your entire being from head to foot.
You find yourself completely filled with a tremendous love.
You and Jesus have become united within this tender, welcoming light.
It is comforting …loving …inviting …peaceful.
You know now that you need only to be to be at home in this light-filled, divine love.
You release who you are into the presence of this great Love. You need nothing more.
and now rest in this peace…
© Joyce Rupp

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