May the ever-present love of family and friends sustain and support you, especially in
those times when you feel alone and lonely.
May you accept your worthiness to receive self-compassion, to give yourself permission to
care for your inner and outer self as best you can.
May you be in touch with the resilience residing within you, a strength that never gives up
on you and continually believes in you.
May you find comfort when you are hurting, and experience a tender presence of the Holy
One when you feel most distressed.
May the beauty contained in gestures of kindness and in the loveliness of nature bring you
quiet joy.
May you give yourself to restfulness when you are weary, and be content with inactivity
when your body and spirit demand that you go slowly.
May you be patient when you want things to change, or when difficulties appear to be
insurmountable and unmanageable.
May you be released from the burdens of fear and dread, and anything else that tries to
drag your spirit into desolation.
May you discover hope in the most unexpected situations, and store this treasure in a
special corner of your heart where you can easily find it.
May you find refuge in the peaceful shelter of the Great Healer, and may this peace
permeate you with divine tenderness.
Closing prayer
Heart of Compassion,
on the days when the burdens borne by _______________ (name of person being blessed)
chafe her spirit and threaten to wear her down,
when the journey seems dreary and endless
and her life lacks even a wisp of joy,
lead her to a source of restored hope.
Turn her toward where your love dwells
in those who care about her.
May she find peace.
© Joyce Rupp

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