The Advent Tapestry
We must add one stitch, no matter how small it be, to the magnificent tapestry of life. ~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin What is this “tapestry” to which the Jesuit theologian and paleontologist refers? Previous to this statement, he suggests that we “become conscious of our living [...]
A Ritual of Gratitude
(stand and face each direction) East: Light We give thanks not only for the sun’s light that guides our physical path in finding our way. We remember the inner light, the countless times a glimmer of light-filled hope has been returned to us through the [...]
If the Table Could Speak
Several years ago I became intrigued by a piece in Sharon Blackie’s The Enchanted Life about the stories a table holds. Blackie writes: […]
Listening to Inner and Outer Life
This month I’m sharing three excerpts from my daily journal. 1) In early August a friend led me to Fabiana Fondevila’s poem, “In the Garden.” […]
Standing on Their Shoulders
On August 1st a significant mentor in my life left this planet. You may know of Frank Cunningham because of Vesper Time, his splendid memoir on aging. Frank was the publisher at Ave Maria Press in 1984 when, with fear and trembling, I submitted my first manuscript. […]
Starry, Starry Night
You are probably familiar with Don McLean’s song, “Starry, Starry Night”. This piece about Vincent Van Gogh’s aching heart is not what brings me to write about “stars.” Rather, it’s about a night earlier this summer when I stood looking at a bright star surprisingly visible in the [...]
This Love Will Carry Me
This past weekend the fated time arrived for a beloved friend of mine to move to the other side of the country. Her developing dementia led to a decision for her to be near where her adult children live. […]
Persistent Visitor
And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. (Acts2:2) Persistent Visitor of Grace, come as a tender breeze or a fierce wind through the opened window of my soul. [...]
Awe and Wonder
While endless trouble and suffering continues among those we know and do not know, it’s wise to keep in mind that causes for joy and awe are also present if we are aware of them. In this current Easter season, the Gospel stories abound with moments of [...]
Standing By the Cross
As I prepare to enter Holy Week, I turn to one of the Biblical personages who enables me to find meaning and hope. For decades now I have identified with Mary standing by the cross during the hours when her son was dying in his final hours. [...]
Most People Are Pretty Decent
This past Christmas I received the book, Humankind by Dutch author, Rutger Bregman. I’ve been intrigued and encouraged by his extensive research to prove the book’s major thesis which he refers to as a radical idea: “Most people, deep down, are pretty decent.” […]
Musings About Valentine Day
A few months ago a friend went for a walk and noticed a young woman nearby. She was wearing a jacket partially open in the front. It revealed a shirt with the word “ego” on it. My friend was intrigued by someone having this word on her [...]