Joyce Rupp 2021 Events
June 20-24, 2021
“Boundless Compassion” Retreat
Sunday 4:00 p.m. – Thursday 4:00 p.m.
St. Benedict Center, Schuyler Nebraska
Led by: Patty Forsberg, Jeanne Johnson
(Certified facilitators of Boundless Compassion)
(Joyce will give a presentation Thursday afternoon)
Compassion is a necessity, not a luxury. Without it, humanity cannot survive.” (Dalai ama)
Compassion can change a heart, change a life, change a world. You are invited to explore the depth of the many-layered components of compassion, the central quality of the life and teachings of Jesus. The retreat is an opportunity to expand and deepen your understanding of compassion from both a personal and professional perspective. You will glean insights for many dimensions including theology, spirituality, science, sociology and psychology. This retreat is offered as a catalyst for a renewed commitment to be a compassionate
presence to yourself and to others who are in the midst of pain and struggle.
(Participants in this retreat are eligible to attend the Boundless Compassion Facilitators Training with Joyce on June 25.)
June 25, 2021
Boundless Compassion Facilitators Training Workshop
Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
St. Benedict Center, Schuyler Nebraska
Led by: Joyce Rupp
The workshop involves the practical application of the program and assists participants in how to use their individual talents and experiences to bring the Boundless Compassion aspects into their sphere of life. The workshop offers the opportunity to become a certified facilitator of the program. Participants of this event are required to attend the four-day Boundless Compassion retreat that precedes the training workshop. Along with the requirement of full attendance at the four-day retreat, each participant of the workshop must request an application form to be completed and sent for review before being accepted into the training workshop. (Request this application form from Joyce Rupp. ([email protected])
June 27, 2021
Compassion, Contemplation and Music
2–3:30 p.m. CDT
Karen Drucker
Virtual event (Zoom) hosted by Sr. Bobbi
Register Here
(Zoom limited to 100 computers. )
Boundless Compassion Events
All presenters and leaders of the Boundless Compassion retreats are certified facilitators. They have studied with Joyce Rupp and have been trained to lead the program in its various formats, including the four day retreat. Joyce continues to lead the training workshops that follow the four day retreats.
February 19, March 19, April 16, 2021
Sacred Connections: 3 Evenings of SoulTending
(Space for breathing, opening, grounding, remembering, reconnecting to the Sacred within and holding all)
1 Friday eve a month at 4 pm and at 7 pm PST
Erin Matteson
[email protected]
April 10, 2021
Season of Hope: Pause & Breathe in Compassion for “Renewal”
Saturday 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM CST
Sinsinawa Mound Center (on Zoom)
Presenter: Stella DeVenuta, OSF
Information: Janice DeMuth
608-748-4411, ext. 811
[email protected]
April 30–May 1, 2021
Self Compassion & Yoga Retreat
Friday 6-8 p.m. PDT
Saturday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. PDT
Hosted by Heather Smith Yoga (via Zoom)
San Diego, CA
Presenter: Heather Smith, RYT200 & BCF
[email protected]
Information and Registration
June 3–6, 2021
“Becoming a Compassionate Prayerful Presence”
Thursday 7 p.m. – Sunday noon
Mercy by the Sea
Madison, CT 06443
Sisters Cynthia Bauer and Madeleine Tacy will co-facilitate
203-245-0401, Ext 114
July 18-23, 2021
“Boundless Compassion” Retreat (via Zoom)
Sunday, 7:00 p.m. CT – Friday, 6:00 p.m. CT
The Well Spirituality Center
LaGrange Park IL 60526
Facilitator: Mary Dean Pfahler SND
[email protected]
September 25, 2021
“Living Compassion in the Real World” (A Virtual Retreat)
Saturday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. PDT
Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center
Oceanside, CA
Facilitator: Sister Mary Dean Pfahler SND
Register Here
Boundless Compassion: Creating a Way of Life
Series 1: November 11, 18, 25, December 2, 2021
Thursday evenings, 7–9 p.m. CST
Series 2: March 3-24, 2022
Thursday evenings, 7–9 p.m. CST
Queen’s House Retreat Center, Saskatoon, SK
Virtual event (Zoom) series in two parts
Led by Gisele Bauche
Register Here
Additional Informational Brochure
November 7 – December 12, 2021
Boundless Compassion Pre-Holiday Book Study
Sundays 4 – 5 p.m. CST
Ankeny, Iowa
Virtual, Six Week sessions led by Marla Inks
Certified facilitator, spiritual director, counselor
Information and Registration:
[email protected]
The book, Boundless Compassion, is an easy read, designed to be used as a daily read and reflection, which can easily be accomplished in 20 minutes per day. Obviously, that may not work for everyone EVERY day, and catching up is allowed. The readings will no doubt promote further thought and you may wish to use a journal to record your questions or reflections. Beginning November 7th, we will come together on Zoom once a week on Sunday afternoon from 4-5 PM to develop a "kinship" of compassion, share insights, and allow the richness of the sharing to be absorbed. The Zoom gatherings will meet from November 7th through December 12th. My further interest in the power of compassion developed through attending a week long workshop with the author in Atchison, Kansas, participating in compassion and prayer groups locally with her, and training as a Boundless Compassion Facilitator in Schuyler, Nebraska. Feel free to share information with friends or colleagues who may also appreciate the enrichment this gathering will offer.
December 3–5, 2021
Advent Weekend SoulCollage® Retreat
Now I Become Myself
Fri. 6:00 p.m. – Sun. 11:00 a.m.
St. Benedict Center
Schuyler, Nebraska
Information/Registration: Jodi Gehr
[email protected]
Registration deadline: Nov. 8
Now I Become Myself is a back-to-basics SoulCollage® retreat opportunity to “stand still, to be here (May Sarton),” to become a compassionate explorer of our soul. We become visual storytellers as we discover what is conscious, less conscious, lovable, and irritating, beautiful, and shadowy in ourselves, our community, and our world. Compassion will be the lens through which we create and share during this first weekend of Advent. Beginners to advanced students of SoulCollage® are welcome. We never stop learning and becoming! If you have a collection of cards organized by suits and/or have created any of the transpersonal cards, we will have an opportunity for show-and-tell. For those who have created cards but have not considered creating a deck according to the SoulCollage® suits, this retreat will give ideas.