The Path of Midlife Spirituality
Joyce Rupp shares her own midlife journey—its ups and downs—with such honesty and insight that you will surely identify with and benefit from the discoveries she has made along the way. Among them we can find wisdom in the wounds we’ve carried from birth onward, and these wounds can heal; past regrets must be let go lest they cling to us and drain our energy for life; the loving part of us can always out-wrestle the hating part; surprises of beauty and talent in us wait to be discovered and shared; some of what we thought to be unbreakable truth is now shattered pottery and unmendable; and our struggle to name God and to find a spirituality that enlivens and enriches our existence is less complex than we first thought.
Midlife is more than a crisis. It is a summons to grow and a challenge to change. Midlife beckons one inward. It is a move to interiority, a passage to the deeper places where we discover our authenticity, where we realize both our limitations and our grandeur. It is here that we come home to our truest Self. We take our external experiences with us to the inside and look at our life. We evaluate our goals, hopes, dreams, beliefs, behaviors, experiences – all that has marked us and contributed to the person we have become – and we ask ourselves: “Is this the person I want to be in the future?”
—Joyce Rupp