Click on a title below to view readers’ comments…
- Anchors for the Soul
- Boundless Compassion
- Circle of Life
- The Cup of Our Life
- Dear Heart Come Home
- Fly While You Still Have Wings
- Fragments of Your Ancient Name
- Jesus, Companion in My Suffering
- Jesus, Friend of My Soul
- Jesus, Guide of My Life
- Little Pieces of Light
- May I Have This Dance?
- May I Walk You Home
- May You Find Comfort
- My Soul Feels Lean
- Open the Door
- Out of the Ordinary
- Prayer
- Prayer Seeds
- Prayers to Sophia
- Praying Our Goodbyes
- Return to the Root
- The Star in My Heart
- Walk In A Relaxed Manner
- Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow
- Vessels of Love
Thank you for Anchors for the Soul. The reflections grace my morning prayer daily with wisdom, inspiration and practical steps to weave into my day. Your writing has inspired me over and over again.
—Ann, Connecticut
Thank you for your book Boundless Compassion. I am the Senior Minister of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are using your book as our Lenten study and theme. We have two study groups meeting mid-week who are having powerful discussions and ah-ha moments. God is moving in our midst powerfully this Lent.
—Laureen, Ohio
Right now my congregation is using Boundless Compassion as our focus during Lent. It is a gift to us, and I wanted to thank you for all your work. In sharing your gifts, you’ve helped me tend to my congregation, and you’ve strengthened my discipleship.”
—Michelle, Ohio
I just finished Boundless Compassion and I am so energized to carry forward into the world what I learned. I hope and pray for the rest of my life that I can continue to learn and grow in compassion for others and myself. I am so grateful to you for writing the book and for Contemplative Outreach for bringing this book to my attention. The information is transformative.
—Karen, Texas
Boundless Compassion is making a difference in people’s lives. One of the participants who didn’t come regularly to our book study approached me recently and explained that she didn’t come regularly because she lost her job and was really feeling down about it. One night she came for the book study but didn’t come inside because she thought she’d just cry. She continued to say that she’s been reading the book, which has inspired her to seek out work doing companion care. While this won’t pay as much as her previous position, she’ll be able to practice compassion and is excited about it.
—Jane, Iowa
I am a Presbyterian pastor and I’m on my third time through your Boundless Compassion book with a group, first with a group of contemplative friends, then a small group in my church, and now our staff! It is my favorite gift to give, and I have sent it to a sister who is a nurse, a niece in jail, a cousin, and more. I have enjoyed your devotional materials over the years, but this book seems to be a compilation of your spiritual journey and is rich in so many ways!
—Mary, California
I am a spiritual director and pastor in the United Church of Canada. I plan to use Boundless Compassion as the book for a congregational book study during Lent. I will meet with interested folks once a week for a check in, but also offer a Facebook page for discussion of each day’s readings. The congregation I serve has a learning fund, which will make it possible for anyone who wants to take part to have either a digital or paper copy of the book to read. I will send out a thought or question based on the daily reading each day, with the hope of sparking conversation.
—Rev. Darrow Woods,
Harrow United Church,
Harrow, Ontario, Canada
I’ve just finished reading your book Boundless Compassion, following the daily format, and I want to thank you. I feel encouraged and energized, my heart more open than before, tingling, wanting to be used by God as a vehicle for His love in the world. It’s a marvelous book. Thank You!
—Karen, Florida
I have loved your books and reflections ever since my Spiritual Director recommended The Cup of Our Lives several years ago. I’ve recently begun reading Boundless Compassion with a friend, and it is not an exaggeration to say that in these divisive times, this book is changing our hearts. Thank you for this beautiful book.
—Robyn, Southern California
Yesterday I was given a copy of The Circle of Life and I must say what immense pleasure it has given me. The book itself is so very visually appealing with the beautiful artwork and colour but the pictures I see where there are no pictures are simply captivating. The imagery created with written word is very powerful, holds me in a place where I feel inclined to indulge the experience, to savour as one would a delicacy.
—Jenny, New South Whales, Australia
Greetings from Ireland! Many blessings on you and on your work and in particular a huge big Irish Gura Míle Míle maith agat [a thousand thank you’s – no half measures in Ireland!] for your latest beautiful book with Macrina Wiederkehr and Mary Southard, THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. Where to begin to sing its praises – the first thing that struck me was the wonderful company you keep in collaborating with such gifted people in their own right as Mary and Macrina and the result is everything one might expect and a million times more.
…What immediately struck me – maybe because we are in the ‘Confirmation Season’ in Ireland was how much of this book is about the sixth and seventh gifts of the Spirit. In Ireland, we call them Reverence and Wonder and Awe in God’s Presence. This book is about these so much.
—Brenda, Ireland
My women’s small group at church used The Cup of Our Life as our study/devotion book in the fall. It’s timeless and such a treasure.
—Sandi, Kentucky
Your books are transformative for me, especially The Cup of Our Life. It introduced me to my unknown inner life years ago.
—Karen, Pennsylvania
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Words can not express how truly grateful I am for the book The Cup of Our Life. My grandmother started us on the tradition of sitting at the kitchen table and sharing a cup of tea with her. Along with the sharing of the tea we received her love, wisdom, faith, and experience. I continue to go through the book over and over and each time something new touches my soul.
—Joanie, Minnesota
The Cup of Our Life got me through a very dark season of mental ill health and helped me establish better habits which then became shared habits as I went on into baptist ministry and set up “Cup “groups. As a result of this, I now lead a small mental health charity based in UK called Renew Wellbeing ( helping churches set up quiet shared spaces where it’s ok not to be ok based around quiet prayer rhythms and open to any faith and none as places of hobbies and habits for humans. We now have 50 centers in the UK and growing.
My church group, Wisdom’s Daughters, meets monthly and over the course of the past few years has been studying meditation and spirituality. We have used various author’s books and have just completed a study using your book, The Cup of Our Life. We even made cups in our church’s pottery studio to use with our study of this book. I so enjoyed this study and was deeply moved by your wisdom and have grown spiritually.
I just finished your book “Cup of Life” and you have changed my life. After completing the book I reviewed my journal entrees and picked my favorite and most inspirational ones. Some were prayers and some were letters from Jesus to me. I wrote them on index cards, folded them so I couldn’t see what they said, and put them in my Cup. Each morning after my prayer ritual, I pick a card from my Cup and meditate on it.
—Kathy, California
In the past two years, I have been graced with a discipline of daily prayer and meditation that started by pulling The Cup of Our Life off the shelf. That book has been read and re-read to the extent that the pages are falling out. Each time I reach for it, it feeds me something I need and reveals something that I didn’t consider before. I have also sought out and read some of your other books: Inviting God In , The Circle of Life, and most recently, Prayer. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts. They are most surely placed in my path by the power of the Holy Spirit.
—Heather, WI
The Cup of Life is my first read of Joyce’s. I am so grateful to be reading and meditating on this book. It’s so refreshing to be seeking the Lord in a more deep relationship with the aid of this book. Thank you so much, Joyce, for writing this book obviously with the Holy Spirit as your guide and you obviously have a heart for seeing people set free from pain. Thank you from my heart to yours. I am so much desiring to find myself and your book helps me to do this and at the same time find God.
—Tam C
I am currently in a group of women aged 40-75 working with The Cup of Our Life and never have I learned so much, wept so much and accepted so much wisdom from these tremendous women and your book. My prayer life was dull and colourless and now I look forward to each morning and welcome tears (that I used to hate) and feel God’s presence in me like I never have before.
—Mary Beth, Ontario
The Cup of Our Life is the most powerful, rich and full of God’s grace book that I have prayed since I prayed the 19th annotation of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius nearly 30 years ago. It was a blessing to have prayed with a special group of women whose sharing was a blessing as was our leader. Not only did I find the easy flow of the daily prayer outline conducive to great anticipation to pray each day, but the powerful meditation with the cup and the suggestions for journaling revealed to me marvellous insights and allowed God to speak intimately to me. Your beautiful candour about your own life, your humanity,weaknesses, joys and sorrows helped me tremendously, as did your very loving, gentle ways. The cup of compassion brought deep healing and growth I would otherwise not have experienced.
—Freda, Ontario
I am so very grateful for your writing. Using your book, The Cup of Our Life, was really so powerful for me – the most meaningful devotional I’ve ever used. I could hardly wait to have my quiet time each morning to see what I would experience that day.
I am a parish nurse coordinator … and have used your books over and over in my work with health ministries and parish nurses. I have given your books, Inviting God In, The Cup of Our Life, May I have this Dance, and Praying Our Goodbye’s as gifts to parish nurses and have them in our Resource Library. I’ve had many express gratitude for these resources that have blessed them in many ways.
—Deborah, California
My spiritual director felt that because of all the trauma and losses my spirit had been scattered, and I needed to pray to bring it home. I was led to read and work through Dear Heart, Come Home. God bless you for all your encouragement and for sharing your personal pain and suffering and growth. It helps us on our Journey.
—Rosina, Australia
The openness and hopefulness with which you described your own experiences make me feel like I know you personally. I frequently refer to your books (I have them all!) for comfort, grounding, spiritual reminders, and much more. And I relish those days when your name is on the “Living Faith” page of daily readings. Many blessings to you for repeatedly awakening me to God’s love.
—Jen, New York
This book identifies exactly what I have been going through, the loneliness and wondering where to go to find God…. Thank you for putting a name to what I have experienced and continue to experience.
—Janice, Kansas
It’s as though she wrote this book just for me. I was feeling that I was really losing my mind and soul, but as I’m reading this book I can that I’m only on my mid-life journey and there is hope for me. It also helped me to know that I am not the only one going through dark, lonely places. Being a pastor, I felt I should never have these feelings. Oh, the grace of God for allowing Joyce to let me know I am human.
—Anne, New York
I just finished reading your book FlyWhile You Still Have Wings. It touched me so as I recalled my parents and Sisters I have cared for over the years. I learned so much about relating with our senior Sisters, especially, as they begin to near-death or grieve the death
of one another in community.
—Sr. Ruthann, West Virginia
Your book, Fly While You Still Have Wings, helped me during my mom’s last years. At that time, my mother was in her early eighties. Your book came into my life at the perfect time. I cannot tell you how many times I read and re-read certain chapters. How insightful and helpful it was. I also recommend it to so many others who go through similar parent-care situations.
—Lillian, New Jersey
I recently read Fly While You Still Have Wings, the book that was a tribute to your mother. I found it such a joy and help. My dad died when I was 11 leaving my mother at age 45 with 8 kids to support, a huge farm debt and never having held a “real” job in her life. Your book made me think about times I could have spent more time with her. And it certainly was a good reminder and different perspective on not only dealing with elderly and parents, but people in general.
—Michelle, Iowa
I just finished reading your book, Fly While you Still have Wings. It is absolutely beautiful. I wish I had read it a few years ago while my mother was alive. I will pass it on to my friend whose mother is 92.
—Marian, Pennsylvania
Besides loving your reflections and other books that are so helpful to enter into prayer, my favorite is Fragments of Your Ancient Name. It has helped me gently expand my God image and also the God image of those I companion.
In June of 2014, a dear friend gave me Fragments of Your Ancient Name. What a wonderful book. I have used it continuously every day since that day. It has seen me through my husband in a nursing home, his death and my daughter-in-law’s, the grief of my son and
grandchildren, my change to another church, a new support group, and now Covid-19 and a new priest assigned to our church.
—Margaret, Texas
I recently purchased a copy of your book, Fragments of Your Ancient Name, and have found it to be a perfect devotional to begin each day. My plan is to read only one name a day, but I have found myself eagerly awaiting the next day’s thought and sometimes peeking ahead. In the Introduction, you state that you hope the reflections might deepen one’s appreciation for the most generous and Mysterious Divine. After reading only one month’s names, I can tell you that I have already expanded my notions of just who our loving God might be.
—Michael, Pennsylvania
This past year, you generously allowed me to use material from your book, Fragments of Your Ancient Name. I took several of the names, printed them on scrolls, and placed them on a table for people to take and pray with during a weekend retreat. The retreat was a great success and your scrolls were a special touch. Many of the participants commented how moved they were with the meditation name or how pertinent it was to her life at that time. I have used the book throughout the year for my morning meditation time. As was the reaction of the retreat participants, I have been deeply moved, delightfully surprised, discovered new perspectives, and several times challenged. I now begin every morning prayer session with the first few lines of January 1, “I Am That I Am.”
“I bow before you who have no name.
Your intimate presence startles my soul
Like the first glimpse of a rising moon.”
—Carol, New Jersey
I purchased your new book to follow your daily Lenten reflections this year. Your words spoke to and inspired me. Thank you so much for your sharing. I also recommended the book to a friend from church who was grieving many losses in her life. She also said she read your book daily and found great comfort in your messages.
—Cary, Washington State
I purchased Jesus, Companion in my Suffering for a friend and me as part of our Lenten observance. I have read a couple of your books and get your monthly reflections and enjoyed them immensely. The daily reflections are relevant and deeply touching. You are so authentic and tuned into life and its wonders and tribulations. We appreciated this wonderful book!
—Lori, Pennsylvania
I am a minister and spiritual director and your books have been formational for me. Your recent book, Jesus, Friend of My Soul, touched me deeply.
—Eva, Illinois
This past Lent I prayed Jesus Friend of My Soul and allowed the words to soak into me! How enriching it was to be fed each day with words of Jesus’ qualities and allow them to work within and through me.
—Yvette, Saskatoon, SK
Thank you for your book, Jesus, Friend of My Soul. I have been reading it each day during Lent. I hate to see it end this weekend. I have really enjoyed seeing all the different names for Jesus. So many of the daily readings really hit home.
—Marge, Wisconsin
I want to thank you for Jesus, Friend of my Soul—it really made a big difference in my Lenten journey this year. Your format of a “bite” of reflection gave me so much to chew on during the day, and was something I could easily remember and recall in the midst of other
happenings. I am now beginning Fragments of Your Ancient Name and I am experiencing the same sense of direction and reflection that are meaningful to me.
—Jean, Arizona
Many thanks for writing Jesus, Friend of My Soul! It has helped me through many days during this uncertain world that we are currently living in. Yesterday’s reflection on Peace was so helpful. I will be re-reading it every day.
—Becky, Ohio
Thank you so much for sharing these Lenten reflections in Jesus, Friend of My Soul. It has been a treasure of inspiration and comfort through these difficult times. I am sure I shall be dipping into it during the years to come.
—Kathy, London, UK
Thank you with all my heart for Jesus, Friend of My Soul. This is only the second day of Lent and already you have touched me deeply and helped me in my daily life as well as on my spiritual journey.
—Maike, Germany
In only three days with Jesus, Friend of My Soul, I am opening to a more fully human Christ, having spent so many years not understanding His being fully human. Thank you for sharing your gift of understanding.
—Joyce, Iowa
I recently purchased your book Jesus, Friend of My Soul. What a Lenten treasure. Thank you. So unique to read a quality of Jesus each day followed by the reflective prayer. I appreciate the “today” challenge also.
—Sharon, Wisconsin
I wanted to thank you from my heart for the “distillation” of your sharing, in Jesus, Friend of My Soul. The simplicity and the essence of your reflections and prayers are worth more than gold for me during this time of Lent and for this time of my life. I have found nourishment in Jesus, Friend of My Soul and it has brought me back to the essence of my relationship with Jesus. This book has not only offered comfort but has brought a sense of being grounded again in his love.
—Jean, Arizona
I am reading Jesus, Friend of My Soul and I can’t tell you how much it is speaking to me and enriching my Lenten journey. Thank you so much for your insight.
—Cindy, Connecticut
“During Lent I used your Lenten Reflections…Jesus, Guide of my Life. It made for a very positive Lenten experience for me. Thank you.”
—Bill, Massachusetts
Your book about darkness and personal growth has been in my collection of books for some years—and I finally started reading it during Holy Week. This 83-year-old has been in a dark place—your book has brought good tears to my eyes and heart this week.
—Rosemary, Louisiana
About a year ago, I gave your book Little Pieces of Light to a friend who lost a son to suicide. She is doing better now, but is living through this pandemic time and struggling. She is part of my prayer group and starts every reflection during our Zoom chats with “Today I found a piece of light in . . .” Amazing how souls that are touched by darkness can become growth and light.
—MaryAnn, New York
At Christmas 2018, I chanced to visit a neighboring parish and discovered, as a Christmas gift to parishioners, they were giving them a copy of Little Pieces of Light. I took one home and read your beautiful words. I cherish your words “…there is light to comfort and guide us.”
—Kay, New York
I bought your book, Little Pieces of Light when I was on a recent retreat…. My husband took his life (about a year ago) and I am deep in the valley of the shadow… His birthday was this week and I have been experiencing great sadness and flashbacks of finding him…. Today I read your little book for the first time and it described exactly what I have been feeling. I have been trying so hard to move forward through this process of grief, but the incredible loneliness overcomes me and I simply withdraw into the darkness. After reading your book, … I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your insight and the love I felt when reading your words. Thank you for giving me a ray of hope in this difficult journey of grief … and for touching my life so profoundly.
—Elise, Minnesota
I first read this 7 years ago, while I was in tremendous physical pain from a fall. It was given to me by a priest friend and it “saved my sanity.” Joyce could have been talking directly to me, and I have learned much while looking for the little pieces of light in my life. I have lent it to needy friends during their dark times (one still has it). Consequently, during a recent medical crisis, I had to buy another copy. It is helping again – so much. Thanks, Joyce. May your light continue to spread to all.
—Kathy, Pennsylvania
I have a friend whose NYC fireman husband survived but has been profoundly affected and so has everyone in the family. I lent her Little Pieces of Light (a personal favorite of mine) and she said you helped her to “make sense out of the silences.” She said she wished she had had the book two years ago. She is a wonderful woman, wife and mother and thanks to your book, she’s happier and more on her way to healing. Thank you, for both of us.
Your work is amazing. My all time favorite – The Cup – I have done many times with groups, individuals and this last time, alone to find my way through breast cancer and chemo to real and joy filled healing.
—Pat, New York
Several weeks ago, I found your beautiful poem (or it found me!), “It Doesn’t Take Much”, and was delighted with my discovery. On an impulse, I sent it to my friend, Deb, in New Hampshire. She emailed back her profuse thanks for sending your poem. It turns out that a close friend of hers had just died, and at the
Several weeks ago, I found your beautiful poem (or it found me!), “It Doesn’t Take Much”, and was delighted with my discovery. On an impulse, I sent it to my friend, Deb, in New Hampshire. She emailed back her profuse thanks for sending your poem. It turns out that a close friend of hers had just died, and at the funeral, Deb gave your poem to the woman’s husband and son. For them, it was a poem about hope and life; a presence and a connection they deeply needed that day. And they understood that on a sparrow’s bright wing, love rises in fullness for those who remain.
For me, your poem is not only about hope, but also about co-creating rooted in the soul. And having the courage to place our longings, our dreams, on the slim but sturdy twig of intent; knowing, despite the outer circumstances of our lives, that our dreams will find form in the “real” world. This is vital wisdom that can be practically applied in our lives.
I first heard of your book May I Have This Dance 30+ years ago. And, in turn, I have given away many copies to friends over the years. I was middle-aged when I read Dear Heart Come Home. Now I am 65 and am re-reading it. I find your writings so very comforting
and encouraging.
—Pam, Kentucky
I have read May I Have This Dance? so many times it is almost worn out. No matter how many times I’ve read it, it speaks anew. You write as if you are reading my mind—I find it so touching and honest.
—Teresa, Michigan
What an impact your book, May I Have This Dance, is having on our “sisters Bible study” at First United Methodist Church in Waukesha, WI. We meet once a month and are using your book for whichever month we are in. Our group numbers about 20 women and we have this precious time to share your beautiful poetry and thoughtful meditations on the monthly theme. We started in September and will meet for a full year but I think many of us will keep this book as a monthly repetition for years to come. Thank you for sharing the scriptures in such a meaningful way. Continued blessings on your work. I appreciate the universality of your message.
—Veronica, Wisconsin
I love this book! It has become one of my all time favorite books, not just my favorite Joyce Rupp. I have used it for personal study and spiritual growth in addition to sharing many times from it with groups. I love the way this book is laid out, the poems, the stories, the litanies, and the prayer suggestions I haven’t found anything that touches me so deeply.
—Susan, Texas
What a wonderful book. A dear friend passed in October and I was asked to lead a meditation. Before I left home, I found myself going through files and books, when your book, May I Walk You Home, fell into my hand. I turned to the back and knew Sandra’s poem was what I needed to begin the meditation.
—Mary Jane, South Carolina
Starting part-way through March of this year, and continuing through April, May and the first week of June, I daily read your book May I Walk You Home—as my husband was dying of colon cancer. I read the book 3 times in succession, finishing the last “read” on June 6, the day after Dick died… It was a wonderful companion for a difficult journey… short, simple, food for the day that helped to keep me focused and balanced and gave me the confidence that I really could walk Dick home… a real gift for a tough time… I thank you for that…
—Paula, Wisconsin
I am on the Care Team at church and we mail your booklet, May You Find Comfort, to each family who experiences a loss. Without exception, each family loves the gift.
—Diane, New England
I cannot thank you enough for your beautiful booklet May You Find Comfort. I have given it to so many people over the years during their time of grief.
—Lily, California
I have read many of your books and profited from them spiritually and intellectually. In particular I have delved into your book of poetry, My Soul Feels Lean. In many of your poems I feel as though you have inserted your soul within me and expressed exactly how I feel, especially with your poems on loss.
—Judith, New York
I love spiritual books and I have read a lot of them. This book has changed me like no other. It has helped heal, open my heart and mind, and brought me to a place I have never been. I feel closer to God than at any time in my life. I am just beginning week 6. I feel like a new person in Christ.”
—Julie, Australia
I’ve been furloughed from my job during this pandemic and found your book Open the Door on the bookshelf I was cleaning. I’m just finishing week 2 and WOW! This is exactly what I needed! I need to thank you and let you know how powerful this is for me right now.
—Mary K, Iowa
I recently attended a three day retreat based on chapters 3-4 of your book, Open the Door. It is a truly, truly amazing book with so much to think and pray about.
—Jo-Ellen, Pennsylvania
Open the Door really is a deep and nourishing book. Nourishing in that it enables the reader to be self directive and tap into one’s inner self, inner authority and inner depth.
I’ve just received Open the Door, and … have just begun to work with it. As usual, it promises to be wonderful…. You have touched my life over and over again through the years, and I’m very glad to at last be able to say “Thank you.” Being disabled, life is difficult sometimes, but your books and insights never fail to rally my hope. Since I can no longer get out as much as I once could, I now have the time I always said I wanted, to pray and go within to deepen my spirituality. “When God closes a door….” There is always something new to learn and be grateful for.
—Mary B., KY
(Open the Door) changed my life. Joyce Rupp, in my opinion, is truly a gift from God. She has the ability to bring you to places that you never knew existed – all of which are located within our own hearts. Every time I picked up this book to continue my journey, I felt like Joyce wrote those words directly to me and for me alone as they seemed to perfectly coincide with the timing of my life.
This book taught me how to meditate. For many years, I struggled with the ability to understand God’s love for me. I thought it was something that only a chosen few were blessed with. Many ‘religious’ people in my life tried to convince me otherwise, but I just couldn’t grasp it. Through the meditation exercises at the end of each ‘day’ of the book, I have begun to experience this understanding that had been so elusive. I am realizing the value of quiet time (going within to be with The Holy One) and am learning that it needs to be a part of my everyday life. I have begun to realize the value and goodness of me.
It has ‘opened doors’ that had previously been nailed shut as well as ones did not even exist before this journey. It also taught me how to close certain doors of my life that were impeding my growth process.
—Pam Z., MA
I have had Out of the Ordinary for many years. It has been the best I have read from you and you can’t imagine how well used it has been.
—Waldemar, Colorado
Since I was diagnosed with cancer, your poem “Leaning on the Heart of God” from Out of the Ordinary has often been used in my prayers. It has brought me peace.
—Pam, Illinois
I used (the “Body Blessing” from Out of the Ordinary) at a Women’s Intensive Weekend for AA and AlAnon women. Not one of them had ever blessed another person. To see these women who have been in such darkness participate so wholly was a Blessing for me. Just having eye contact in such a small space was difficult for many. To see the tears shed and the love exchanged by your words is an event that I will never forget.
—Mary, Ontario
I have read many books on the mechanics of prayer, but not how to nurture my relationship with God, until I began reading Prayer. I, too, am like the retreatant who feels closest to God while walking outdoors. Your book has shown me a way to open my heart to God who is always there, waiting for me to reach out. Thank you for writing this book.
—Cindy, Pennsylvania
I am truly grateful for your book Prayer. I relished it so much my copy seemed as if it were a decades-old book with creases, underlines and handwritten notes. I enjoyed it so much that despite my hesitation, I decided that I had to give it to a dear friend who was struggling with prayer. She didn’t want to take it because as a bookworm, she knew books that “looked” like mine were actually well-loved. Yet I gave it to her. I said this is one read that enables us to love and be loved through honest prayer—if given time and space, it could lead to a revolution of the heart.
—Rae, Philippines
I wanted to let you know how I have used one of your selections from Prayer Seeds. I have been chairing a Discernment Committee for a member of my Episcopal church who is seeking to become ordained a priest. At each of our nine meetings we have concluded with the “Litany of Affirmations.” We go around the group, each reading one line, and finish by saying the concluding prayer together. All the committee members have agreed that this piece is perfect for our purposes.
—Martha, New Jersey
I’m so happy to tell you what a gift Prayer Seeds has been to me, my fellow pastors and our congregation at First Plymouth. It began on November 12 when I was ordained and gave copies to a couple of pastors who’d been especially supportive on my journey. From there we used your Prayers for Advent and Epiphany. I’ve used the Ribbon Blessing for two weddings, our theme for Lent has been Compassion and we’ve used prayer on page 48 as one of our church-wide prayers, offered at every gathering in a given week. Tomorrow morning I’m using your Spring Equinox Rejoicing as our Call to Worship.
—Jen, Nebraska
Your latest reflection came through on our 48th wedding anniversary as I was about to type out your blessings from Prayer Seeds for my husband and me to say to each other—as well as the Golden Wedding Anniversary Blessing that a group of us will say next week for a couple who are close friends.
—Catherine Ann, Australia
Thank you ever so much for your prayers and reflections in Prayers to Sophia! I use your prayers as opening prayer for the Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer groups that I facilitate.
—Linda, Illinois
Your book Prayers to Sophia, became a beloved companion on my sabbatical– May-July this year. Thank you so much.
I just made some copies of this phrase, “Companion of my Solitude, keep encouraging me to take time for my Inward Journey. Help me be faithful to this Essential Element in life.” to tuck here and there and remind me to hold onto to the prayer rhythm of sabbatical, which can be chased away with a fuller schedule.
Many were the morning I sat with Sophia and would leaf through until I found the prayer for the day, and then after reading and re-reading, found a phrase for prayer and the day.
—Susan, Oregon
As a parish priest, this book has impacted my life repeatedly. Now that my beloved brother has died, I am returning to it yet again. I keep extra copies for sharing with those who suffer loss. Over the years, many have shared how your writing has taken them through the valley of the shadow into a place of light.
I have been graced by your writing on grief in Praying Our Goodbyes. I’ve shared copies with countless people who suffered loss.
—David, Virginia
What a wonderful aid your book is at this time in my life! With everything that is transpiring in the world today, your words are uplifting and encouraging. Each chapter helped me more and more to understand myself as well as the situations we encounter. Refreshing ideas of how to deal with sorrows as well as happiness and joy. My ability to relate to life’s ups and downs has been greatly modified by your wonderful words and work. Thank you so much for creating a new path for me with our Father and the peace of mind it brings to me.
—Doreen, Illinois
I have loved your books and reflections ever since my Spiritual Director recommended The Cup of Our Lives several years ago. I’ve recently begun reading Boundless Compassion with a friend, and it is not an exaggeration to say that in these divisive times, this book is changing our hearts. Thank you for this beautiful book.
—Robyn, Southern California
I read Praying Our Goodbyes many years while I was living in the USA. I would refer to it when I moved around, lost my job, etc. I got transferred to Italy in September of this past year and brought it with me to help me make the transition. Thank you for your help.
—Sr. Jimene, Italy
I’m so happy to tell you what a gift Prayer Seeds has been to me, my fellow pastors and our congregation at First Plymouth. It began on November 12 when I was ordained and gave copies to a couple of pastors who’d been especially supportive on my journey. From there we used your Prayers for Advent and Epiphany. I’ve used the Ribbon Blessing for two weddings, our theme for Lent has been Compassion and we’ve used prayer on page 48 as one of our church-wide prayers, offered at every gathering in a given week. Tomorrow morning I’m using your Spring Equinox Rejoicing as our Call to Worship.
—Jen, Nebraska
Your latest reflection came through on our 48th wedding anniversary as I was about to type out your blessings from Prayer Seeds for my husband and me to say to each other—as well as the Golden Wedding Anniversary Blessing that a group of us will say next week for a couple who are close friends.
—Catherine Ann, Australia
About ten years ago two of my friends lost their oldest son in an accident. At that time I sent a copy of Praying Our Goodbyes to them. Visiting with them this summer, Martha talked about how much it had helped the two of them and that a couple of years later, they gave it to their friends when they lost their child. A few years after that they gave it to another friend who had lost a loved one. This gifting happened again, still later on. This one copy of Praying Our Goodbyes helped four different parties face their loss and grief. I thought you might enjoy knowing the books journey-story.
—Rosalie, Nebraska
Having lost my father to cancer four and a half years ago and at the same time having undergone career transitions and geographic change, I’ve experienced loss in my life like everyone else. I can only attest to the Holy Spirit that I happened to see her book, Praying Our Goodbyes, in the library at the parish I am currently active in…. Something about Joyce’s work strikes something inside of me – always on target, very relevant, and transformational in rekindling my strength, perseverance, endurance, understanding and wisdom. I know I am not ‘alone’ in my personal ‘Emmaus’ walk. It’s comforting to have someone articulate how our faith and living out the ‘details of our lives’ mesh. This is very comforting to me.
—Ron, TN
I have many of your books and have used them quite frequently in groups I have facilitated. In particular … I have used Praying Our Goodbyes with bereavement support groups. This book … saved my life when I lost my husband five years ago. Thank you for your ministry and may God continue to bless you as you bring spiritual renewal to the thousands of people who have come to know Him more deeply through your work
—Barbara, Ontario
I have been going through a lot a grieving (spouse becoming disabled, loss of my job, a mother with Alzheimer’s). I picked up your book praying our goodbyes … several months ago. I took it on a personal retreat and fell into such a peaceful place, my blood pressure went down. I slowed down. I felt like you were using God’s wisdom to start putting salve bandages on my open wounds and sent me into the healing arms of God. Thank you for sharing the paths that you have explored that bring such comfort and hope of surviving and then being stronger as we climb out of the darkness of our grief.
—Gloria, Colorado
I am a priest… I have read and used your book Praying our Goodbyes several times to help me through moves from one parish to another, which I find very painful. I am now in the process of using it to help not only me but my parishioners to grieve and pray our goodbyes because I am being moved (again). (We are planning a) series on Praying our Goodbyes which we will offer as a way to help parishioners not only deal with the reality of my move, but to get in touch with other painful goodbyes in their personal lives and recognize how they can be integrated into our personal and spiritual growth – how they help us enter more fully into the paschal mystery and the mystery of life.
I find your reflections to be deep, heartfelt and wise. You have felt the pain of life’s goodbyes and unfairness deeply and have allowed people to share their pain deeply with you. I am grateful for the gift of compassion and wisdom you have been to me (even though I have never met you) and to many to whom I have recommended your work.
Thank you for many moments of sharing your graced reality-the good and the painful. I have been volunteering in (prison) and for a number of months now I have been using – Praying our Goodbyes – Dear Heart Come Home, May I have this Dance, and Prayers from Sophia.
You cannot know how very tangible your words become to those who are incarcerated. The women I see are mainly in for life. They are from various aspects of society. They are searching for a deepening of their spirituality and it is through your words many of them can touch that part of themselves that is difficult to speak about. After tonight’s session I wanted to just thank you on behalf of these women. Thank you for helping us to bring some semblance of hope to those who struggle to move through their own lives in very difficult circumstances.
—Jane, California
Thank you for the way you have used your gifts to help all of us go deeper and draw closer to God. For the last 8 to 10 years I have facilitated a bereavement support group in my parish. I have lost count of the copies of Praying Our Goodbyes I have bought and shared with those grieving. It is the first book I recommend to everyone who comes to group and to those who will never be able to share in a group. Some have come back to me to share with others and the rest are still being read and shared by those who have used the book in their own grief…. Be assured of my continued prayers for you. I am only one of thousands who benefit personally from your writings and encourage others to use them in their times of sorrow.
—Pat, Indiana
I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your work nearly all my adult life. I read Praying our Goodbyes when I was about 20 years old; it was the first book in the area of prayer and spirituality that I ever read and was absolutely formative. I’ve also used the liturgies in the back around the deathbeds of my own family. Your writing has contributed significantly to creating me.
—Pastor Dan, Iowa
Thank you so much for Praying our Goodbyes. My sister committed suicide several years ago, and a good friend recently recommended your book to me, as I am having difficulty “letting her go”. It has been very helpful to reflect on how this experience has changed me, what I take away from this tragedy, and how God has led and continues to lead me through this difficult time.
—Maryanne, North Carolina
I have read many of your books and have counted you as a major player in my spiritual formation. As a hospice worker, I can’t tell you how may Praying Our Goodbyes I have bought and given away and how many prayers I have prayed at the moment of death with my patients and families. Thank you for your gift and the ministry of presence and journey. It is not the end of the journey it is who we meet along the way.
—Kelly, Florida
After I suffered the loss of my dear wife, I started to read the type of books that could help me cope with the grief and deep void that her death provoked. One of these was your book, Praying Our Goodbyes, and I can truly say that you have been the best interpreter of what I was going through. The book has been very helpful.
I am a practicing Catholic, who has benefited from Catholic religious instruction and familiarity with the Holy Scriptures, but the death of my wife caused me to experience many doubts that require answers. Your book has helped me resolve some of these.
—Gentleman from Argentina
Thank you so much for inspiring so many with your poetic writing. At our parish, American Martyrs in Manhattan Beach, we have had 83 women sign up to read Return to the Root and meet monthly. We are using your discussion guide to help us with this. We just had our first sessions (three via Zoom) and we all received so many gifs from the Holy Spirit.
—The Sisterhood Team, California
Reading your book, Return to the Root, is like snuggling with a blanket on a cold winter evening with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. The stories you share are rich and thought-provoking.
—Kevin, Iowa
When I picked up, The Star in My Heart, I felt like I had truly come home. I love all kinds of books, but there are a few on a special shelf that are “life changers.” The Star in My Heart will be there.
—Marnie, Canada
I work for the Department of Veterans Affairs. One of my clinical areas is an all-female housing unit for homeless veterans. I routinely run 8-week courses relevant to their life stories and struggles, and right now, we are concluding an 8-week- long immersion into The Star in My Heart. As a woman myself, I select thematic studies to which I know these women veterans will relate. I must tell you that they LOVE your work! They relate to it so much, and yesterday, one of the women said, “Sophia has changed my life.” These are women who have endured the unspeakable, who have fought for our country, who struggle with substance use disorders, who (usually) have significant mental health diagnoses, and who are in and out of homelessness.
—Rosalie, East Coast (USA)
I just finished your book, Walk in a Relaxed Manner. It was such a beautiful and impactful book. There were so many quotes within the book that touched my heart.
—Fatimaeliza, Indiana
Although we’ve never met, I feel as if we’ve traveled together because I just spent the last 2 weeks reading Walk in a Relaxed Manner. I was mesmerized by your writing from the first sentence. Your style is warm and inviting and oh so descriptive and engaging; it pulled me into your pre-travel preparations, your adventures and misadventures and your honesty about the pros and cons of the day to day joys and struggles through every chapter. I feel like I lived the adventure through your words without having to invest the time or exhaustive travel. Thank you for sharing the valuable life lessons learned and your profound insight that brought new meaning and reflection into how I’m living my own life.
—Jaci, Oregon
I finished reading your book, Walk In a Relaxed Manner, yesterday and I enjoyed it so very much. You are such a natural, beautiful writer. I don’t know you but I felt as though you were speaking to me.
—Lindy, Canada
Thank you for your beautiful book Walk In a Relaxed Manner. I just completed it today and was actually moved to tears. I felt so much of what you said and felt were my own words and feelings when I walked the Camino and indeed as I go through life. It was extremely relatable and great to know someone felt the same.
—Christine, Ireland
I just finished reading Walk in a Relaxed Manner, and it is one of the best books I have ever read. Thank you for sharing your journey in such an honest manner.
—Janis, Iowa
I just finished your book Walk in a Relaxed Manner and wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed it. I’ve read multiple books on the Camino as I plan to walk it in 2022. Yours was the best so far as it gave a well-rounded view of what to expect… Your stories, reflections, honest sharing, and humor were all blended into a delightful read.
—Mary, Nebraska
For the second time I just finished this wonderful book. The first was back in 2013, although i cannot recall for sure whether before or after September, when I walked the Frances. Just wanted to say Bravo. So much heart, so many insights. Made me smile oh so many times.
—Stephen, Idaho
I just couldn’t keep myself from telling you what your book, Walk in a Relaxed Manner has done for me. I am a caregiver for almost 9 years for my husband with Vascular Dementia. It has been quite an interesting journey, which I could not find the words to describe. Your book is helping me do just that. Just as you walked the Camino, I too am walking with my husband on this journey. I had to learn to let go, live in the NOW, walk in a relaxed manner, learn to prepare for all the twists and turns of this new adventure for the two of us, and ultimately to trust… the big TRUST. Thank you from my heart for your book. I know I will read it again and again.
—Lois, North Carolina
I just finished reading your Walk in a Relaxed Manner for the second time. I read it the first time shortly before I walked in September. The people in a Camino group had strongly recommended it. They said it was by a nun. As a Jew, I didn’t know whether I would like it or not. But of course I loved it. For some reason when I got back from the Camino in the beginning of November, I thought about getting it out of the library again. What a difference this reading was to the first one. The first time I read it like a travelogue. The second time it was a great comfort, like having a friend to talk about my amazing experience which had completely changed me.
—Harriet, Indiana
Today I finished your book Walk in a Relaxed Manner. I feel like your heart has reached mine in amazing ways across the pages. I, walked part of the Camino when I was 58. As I read your book, so many times I thought, “I remember that very place, or I remember that feeling, or I remember that battle internally/externally.” Yours was the first book that I had read re: the Camino that someone talked about being hungry. This was my experience as my expectations of finding food along the way were often not met. Thank you for voicing this. With each chapter of the book, I felt like I was reliving both the life-giving things and the things that were “graces” – even though they felt like desolation.
—@Susan.Anquist (Instagram), British Columbia
Some years ago I started leading a study group with the men I meet with at a correctional facility. We read a book aloud, a chapter a week and discuss it in a group of 12. In the midst of a discussion a few weeks ago, one of the inmates looked at me and said, “Sister, did you do a book with us about a nun walking to a shrine in Spain?” I said, “Yes, that was Walk in a Relaxed Manner by Joyce Rupp. That was nine years ago in the North Building! You have a good memory.” “Yes, I liked that book… It did me a lot of good,” he replied. This testimony is from a guy who is a repeat offender, unfortunately, but he appreciates writing that is helpful and, for him, transformational.
—Nancy, Connecticut
The title of your book, Walk in a Relaxed Manner took my eye as I was planning to do a 100km walk. I relished your insight and your reflections from your experience on the Camino. Having completed numerous multi-day hikes I could really relate to the lessons you learnt along the way. I really appreciated your sharing them and they have become good mantras to employ into my daily life and also give deeper thought to before embarking on another long hike. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and the lessons you learnt.
—Louise, Australia
We are both Psychologists and were lecturers at the University of South Africa. When we retired we searched for a way to ensure our spiritual growth and what a blessing it was to us to discover your books. We have met every second week since May 2010 and studied and journaled extensively using your books to guide us. Our sharing with one another has blessed us immeasurably and carried us through difficult times, such as our cancer experiences. We have studied many of your books. In the new year we will embark on The Cosmic Dance. Here is an example of Val’s journaling from the last chapter of Walk in a Relaxed Manner. “I like what Joyce Rupp said about the outer and inner world coming together as a result of reflecting. Cora and I have been privileged to use her books to guide and challenge us spiritually. The fact that we have written down our reflections has brought the outside in and made it more real and meaningful to us.”
—Cora and Val, South Africa
I’ve read many guide books of the geographical, cultural, and spiritual sort about the Camino… Yours is a wonderful combination of the interior and exterior life of a pilgrim as experienced on the road. Thank you for sharing! I have already begun to recommend it to pilgrim friends wishing to remember their journey through other eyes and to others considering walking in what I hope will be a relaxed manner.
—Jim, TN
Your writing gift of the Holy Spirit has touched my life by your words in Walk In A Relaxed Manner…. . I do not think I will get there. Because of your masterpiece, I have been there in my minds eye, on the mesa and in the refugios…. After I finished the book I too had a let down coming to the end of my mental pilgrimage. After two weeks, I picked it up and I’m reading it again for the life lessons of my own everyday pilgrimage. I love the pilgrims prayer. Thank you for sharing.
—George, California
Walk in a Relaxed Manner had been such a wonderful experience for my wife and me to read together, since she has multiple sclerosis and is unable to walk any distance. But through your book we were able to trek along side you, and learn many valuable lessons for our own life situation.
—Tim, Tennessee
As I heal (from spine surgery) “lessons” learned on the Camino were reinforced and supported by your honest, clear and spiritual account. Living in the “Now” is not easy. Letting go of business is not easy. Living into God’s presence a step at a time is my on-going challenge as I continue my pilgrimage through the door of healing.
—Gary, New Hampshire
This was one of the best, most timely, and deeply meaningful books I have read since my physical recovery from cancer. I was diagnosed a year ago and went through very rigorous, life challenging treatment. I am now cancer free and continue in recovery. However, my spiritual sense of things has taken longer to heal. I didn’t have a reference point or compass to help navigate through what was rapidly happening to my body and soul. I had never felt so abandoned by God and yet so close all at the same time. My understanding of and relationship to God has changed dramatically and I’m still trying to find my spiritual footing.
This book helped me to put some of my experience into perspective. The pilgrimage journey has so much relevance for the cancer journey and I found myself unable to put the book down. Each chapter had some nugget of reassurance and comfort. Although I know at some point I will pass this book on to a friend, right now I am keeping it close.I am so thankful that you put your experiences down on paper to share with the rest of us. I wish others battling cancer had the opportunity to take a look at what this book has to offer. Perhaps it should be offered on the cancer recovery websites.
I am so thankful that you put your experiences down on paper to share with the rest of us. I wish others battling cancer had the opportunity to take a look at what this book has to offer. Perhaps it should be offered on the cancer recovery websites.
—Tib, Virginia
What a beautiful story of authenticity! I saw myself over and over again in your honest, poignant sharing of the joys and challenges walking the Camino. I was reminded of my attachments to solitude, cleanliness, productivity, friendship, and nature. How I get irritable and negative when things don’t go my way or when I feel like I’m losing control. How prayer and contemplative time bring me back to a more loving place.
—Barbara, Ontario
I read the complete book (Walk in a Relaxed Manner) on my vacation last week and I felt as if I had been on the pilgrimage with Joyce and Tom. I read several sections out loud to my husband and we prayed the pilgrim prayer before venturing out each morning. Thank you, Joyce, for sharing these wonderful life lessons on the Camino. They have had a wonderful impact on my life.
—Terri, Indiana
I finished reading Walk in a Relaxed Manner a week or two ago and would like to express my utter enjoyment in the experience. I’ve read a number of Camino books and, without question, yours is the most memorable book of an
introspective or spiritual nature that I’ve seen. My nature (hard science background and not at all “religious”) I think predisposes me to not connect with these, but you thoroughly succeeded. Your teasing out the deeper meanings in the day to day experiences of the Camino and then expanding them to wider life experiences was to me very moving. Thank you.
—Gene, Colorado
My husband and I completed the Camino on July 6, 2005. Our struggle has been how to describe the experience to friends and students here. WALK IN A RELAXED MANNER is the book I necould never have, but would have liked to have written. Nothing I have read has come so close to our own experiences and feelings. We even called ourselves LAS TORTUGAS! Your book helped me re-experience our Camino.
—Rosie, Indiana
At a recent get together of the Confraternity of St. James pilgrims in Durbin, South Africa, I recommended Walk in a Relaxed Manner as “compulsory” reading for any pilgrim thinking of walking the Camino. I described it as “warts and all account of the trail, the refuges, and the lessons learned.”
—Silvia, South Africa
The first three chapters of Walk in a Relaxed Mannerhave been read and I can barely contain my excitement and hope for making such a pilgrimage. After (reading) the introduction, I asked a friend to prayerfully consider being my walking partner in the summer of 2007. She has agreed and later this month we will begin the prayerful task of planning for this pilgrimage. Thank you for your words and insight.
—Liz, Iowa
WALK IN A RELAXED MANNER is the spiritual tool that is helping me. After completing the book in early January, I decided I would use it as a-retreat-in-daily-life. The Introduction and 25 chapters will be the inspiration for this year 2006 which is the year I celebrate my 60th year as a Dominican Sister. I have allotted two weeks for each chapter. Each day I pray the Pilgrim Prayer, read the text until I feel drawn to be with a word, phrase, or sentence. Then I copy that in my journal and pray with it. Then I write my reflection in the journal and underline the word(s) I want to remember for the day. During the day I try to recall and practice my morning prayer. If I feel I need to stay with this same message, I do so. This prayer has been so powerful. God has worked and works through my prayer with your sacred text.
—JoAn, Michigan
I want to tell you of the amazing impact Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow is having on a group of women in this small country parish. Myself and my friend decided to start a group on a Friday night for women to get together for prayer and discussion. I have always loved your books. This one in particular has been used so many times! Our wonderful parish priest kindly bought the women copies of the book and I have to tell you the depth of sharing and prayer, as well as the friendship that has grown is wonderful.
—Orla, Northern Ireland
As a result of my mother’s passing in November, I received a copy of Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow. It could not have been a more timely or relevant gift…. I have experienced all seven of Mary’s sorrows in one form or another; some of them in several ways. By the end of the book, I was sobbing like those you mentioned in the Epilogue. Never has a book touched my heart and life the way this one did.
—Pam, Maine
You have been a prophet in my life, as I have already told you. Your words in Praying Your Goodbyes were the nourishment for my early healing journey. Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow continued to feed me and draw me to the true Healing Spirit. Losing my Chris was so incredibly painful, I could not believe that there would ever be blessings in my life as a result. But the gifts and blessings come when you are ready to see them. You are truly one of those gifts… .I see it so clearly now. And you have brought so many gifts with you, all so very precious…..your inspiring words and of course, your gift of the Camino. It was so great to hear you tell about your Camino, even though I had already read your book. It was so fun to be back there in my head. (I, of course, carry it in my heart always.) …Now when my family and friends ask about the Camino I can hand them your book.”
—Donna, Minnesota
I just wanted to let you know how much your book Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow has meant to me. I have been going through this dark tunnel, with no light at the end. For 26 years, I have suffered domestic abuse, physical and mental, until I reached a point that I didn’t want to talk to anybody, I didn’t want to confide about my pain to anybody…. While reading your book (on sorrow) I felt I was sitting near a brook, I felt so tranquil, so comforted, I realized there was somebody out there, who does understand pain.
—Betsy, India
“Our women’s book group just finished reading and discussing Vessels of Love. We enjoyed the book very much and will keep it handy so that we can return to it from time to time. Also, we appreciated the bibliography in the back of the book.”
—Margaret, Massachusetts
“Vessels of Love so spoke to me at 83 that I now give copies of the book to all my friends when they already are, or are going to be, 80. So many possibilities for living gratefully and joyously in our older years.”
—Phyllis, Texas
“You have gifted the ‘Elders’ in our Congregations with a ‘Resource’ that will help each one ‘Discover his/her Hidden Treasure’. You have offered the ‘Elders’ of our world, and their caregivers an invaluable Gift. I will use Vessels of Love as a ‘Resource’ personally, in my ministry and will share it with anyone and everyone who crosses my path.
—Lucy, Ontario, Canada
“This is one of your best books. I am 88 years old. I used it for my Retreat this year, and it was the best choice I could have made. It spoke to me in my daily living each and every day.”
—Elaine, Toronto, Canada
“Each day your book gives me validation and hope. I’ve never been so fed by a book at this aging time of life…thank you and peace.”
—Pat, Washington
“I have been reading Vessels of Love daily for inspiration and surviving. I can relate to everything I have read! It’s good to know that I’m not alone.”
—Suki, Arizona
“I have been using your book for devotions with the village assistant living residence. They absolutely love it. I have been so touched by the responses from each meeting. Even people with dementia are responding profoundly from each prayer.”
—Pastor Joyce, Nebraska
“Thank you for your book, Vessels of Love. Your book comes into my life at just the right time. I am 94 now and can so easily resonate with your reflection and prayers. I recently received a financial gift and decided to share your book with quite a few of my friends. So far I’ve had Amazon deliver 21 copies of the book. I’ve had notes and phone calls from those who received the book, telling me they are delighted to have a copy.”
—Joan, Missouri
“This is the best book I have ever read. I love it! I now bought six more copies to give as gifts.”
—Mary Jo, Wisconsin
“I need to reach you and tell you that your Vessels of Love is comforting my soul as I grapple with aging. So many prayers and poems are touching me.
—Tom, Illinois
“I have purchased four copies of Vessels of Love for myself and three for gifts…They are absolutely a blessing. I am 85 years old and don’t feel OLD, but the various prayers just FIT. My friends are in their 80’s also and we are all very much active with a few aches and pains, but we fit right into the prayers and poems. Marvelous book.”
—Charlotte, Nevada
“A big thank you for your new book, Vessels of Love! I bought several copies and will give them to some of my friends. A perfect tonic for this time of life.”
—Rose Marie, Nebraska