Price: $16.95
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-59471-132-9
Imprint: Ave Maria Press
An Invitation to Faithful Prayer Throughout the Year
For years May I Have This Dance? has been a favorite of readers. This revised edition of Joyce Rupp’s best-selling book (over 160,000 copies sold) has been updated with new guided meditations for each month of the year. Joyce Rupp invites readers to join God in the dance of life. She explores twelve themes, including “The Road to Life” and “The Playground of God,” following each with prayer suggestions such as litanies, guided meditations, and journal keeping. Readers will be delighted to accept the invitation to dance with the Divine Partner—a dance of truth and wholeness—throughout the seasons of the year.
“For decades Joyce Rupp has been a gifted and trusted spiritual guide. In May I Have This Dance?, with a sure hand, she exposes the fear of change that keeps us resistant to the dance. From her deep grasp of the unyielding soil of human nature she entreats: let God till your heart.”
—Paula D’Arcy, Author of Gift of the Red Bird
and Sacred Threshold