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December 2021

Christmas greetings to each of you dear Boundless Compassion facilitators,


As we approach the feast of Christmas, I remember you with joy in my heart. My “gift” to you is to encourage you to view the beautiful song, “My Soul,” by Peter Mayer.  It’s an updated YouTube version, wondrously displayed. It speaks to me of the oneness that rests at the foundation of compassion.  Mayer reminds us that there is a unity we share with a tiny snowflake on planet Earth, as well as with the distant stars far beyond in the Cosmos. The Sacred Light illuminates our soul, radiates and unites us with all that exists. There is much to ponder in this song.


As we celebrate Christmas, may each of you travel to your inner space and find renewed hope in the amazing reality of the communion that is ours.


With you on the journey,


The Best Christmas Gift

The gift of personal kindness,

perhaps the most essential

of any presents waiting

under the lighted tree of life.

Prepare this precious gift of self

by filling it with deliberate choices,

giving the best of your goodness

to those traveling the human pathway.

Wrap this gift of your selflessness

with deeds to ease another’s burdens;

tie a wide ribbon of thoughtfulness

around the gift with the intent care

of that given to a newly born infant.

Place a generous bow upon the kindness;

then offer this finest treasure of your love

with the fullness of a joyful heart.

~ Joyce Rupp

Christmas 2021

“The richness of our life here on earth is not measured by possessions or power or the boosting of our ego, but rather in the way we love and care for others, especially those in need.

(Patricia Parachini, SNJM)